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Rotisseri - Kuglegrill 57 cm.


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Passer til Ø57cm. kuglegrill Komplet rotisseri sæt med ring, motor og spyd.Læs mere om produktet
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Dette produkt er blevet bedømt til 5 ud af 5 stjerner.5 2

About Millarco Millarco is a 100% Danish owned company with more than 30 years of experience. Since 1986 Millarco has selected a wide range of skilled companies in Asia that are able to deliver and further develop the quality of the products, in order to continue to ensure a large turnover and earnings throughout the chains. The range spans many price groups, ranging from promotion level to semi-professional tools at the more expensive end of the scale. The range is continually evolving and can be combined to form strong chain concepts that match chains’ needs optimally and are offered for “do-it-yourself” distribution in attractive, promotional packaging. In addition, we have a strong and efficient logistics and finance department. We have a wide range of our own brands and over 3,000 saleable items in our ranges. We supply everything in tools, hardware, garden tools and barbecue equipment for the do-it-yourself market in the Nordic area. This is done through building chains, department stores, furniture stores, tool stores, hardware stores and wholesalers. Our wide product range enables us to satisfy the needs of the population in Scandinavia.

Passer til 57cm. kuglegrill Komplet rotisseri sæt med Ringskål i emaljebelagt stål, motor og spyd i rustfri stål. Max temperatur 300 grader Alle ståldele tåler maskin opvask Indhold: Spyd i rustfri stål: L: 720 mm. Ring: Ø57 cm. - H: 12 cm. 2 stk. gafler/U-holder 1 stk. afstandsringe til universal tilpasning af rotisseri på grill Kraftig 230V / 7W motor Rotisseriet sørger for, at kødet roterer under grillning, så du opnår en fantastisk overflade på dit kød. Kyllinger bliver dejligt saftige og skindet lækkert sprødt, og du får med garanti succes med både juleanden og flæskestegen herpå.